Well, here I am at 32 weeks! We went to the doctor yesterday and Gunner is measuring a week and a half ahead of schedule so I am either going to A) have another big baby or B) he may come early. It made me so excited for him to come!! This month we haven't done a whole lot.... We went to Lagoon at the end of August and had a lot of fun and the whole month of September we have basically been up to our elbows in peaches!! Thankfully that is over now so I can find something productive to do at my own house to take up my time... October is going to be filled with hunting, hunting, and more hunting and maybe a little Halloween :) Kacey has a spike elk tag he hopes to fill and I have a general Northern deer tag.... and also grouse hunting which is my favorite!!! I am getting so excited for our long- awaited arrival and also a little scared at the same time because it has been a while since I had a new baby.........