For the 24th of July, we finally did something with ourselves! We went camping, and had an absolute blast! I may be biased, but I am pretty sure my family is THE FUNNEST to hang out with in the world. Period. Anyway, on with it.....
This little girl is the "she-devil." I only call her that because, well, she is. She was ordering Preston around the whole time camping, and he did whatever she said. Usually what she said was completely against whatever I said, however.

This is the snake that intrigued Preston to begin with...
Playing in the fire, as usual.
Lindsey and cute Gunner. I love him. Oh, and her too...
Lindsey and Neb
Family photo
I loved these giant marshmallows! They were SO good roasted
Lindsey, Kacey and I stayed up for a late night card game...
We had fun.
Linds and I get a little loopy at night, can you tell?? :)
She is going to KILL me for putting these pictures on here!
We had lots of fun, and I wanted to stay there. The end.