***Back in June***
My older sister Heather just moved back to Utah...{Yay!!}
She has lived in the L.A. area for the last three years...
She had to stay in California for work a couple of weeks after they moved back, so my niece Taylor came and stayed with us!
Preston had a blast with her!
We rode the Frontrunner down to Salt Lake to get her

During her stay, we.......
During her stay, Preston turned 4!!! I can't believe it! It makes me sad that he is growing up, but I am kind of excited to see who he becomes.
It was such a good day. We went to somewhere I haven't been in years and years, Chuck E Cheeses!! I LOVE IT!! I think I wanted to play the games and win the tickets more than P did! And the party followed....

Blowing out the candles

We had a fire truck party, and a pinata to match..
The kids loved it

I think that B-days should be done up BIG, because you just never know what is going to happen and how long everyone will be here. And also, why not??
We love you Preston, and are so glad you came to our family!!
i can't beleive he is 4!! you sure have cute boys!
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