No one can truly understand the magnitude of Preston's energy and sticky hands until you are stuck to watch him for 30 minutes or more, by yourself.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Preston, oh Preston.....
No one can truly understand the magnitude of Preston's energy and sticky hands until you are stuck to watch him for 30 minutes or more, by yourself.
Posted by j at 2:32 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adventures with Preston
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Posted by j at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mom and baby are busy trying to figure each other out!! Both are doing well!
Posted by j at 7:33 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The worst part
I have decided that the worst part about pregnancy for me is the hurrying to get everything ready just to sit here and wait part...... I am 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant and my back is KILLING me!! I am pretty much over being nervous and just excited to have my baby.... on Thursday!!! YAY!! And since Preston won't even be able to come to the hospital to see us, I am going to be really anxious to get home. I tried to explain to him the last few days what is going to happen, like I would be in the hospital for a few days and he will be hanging out with his aunt and uncle, and that the doctor is going to cut my stomach open to get baby Gunner out, and he seems like he understands, but who knows!! And we watch a baby story on TLC and he will say "is that what you baby is going to be like??" and I reply "Yes."... I feel kind of bad that he won't be getting all of the attention anymore, but it's good for him, right?
Posted by j at 5:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 09'

And of course we went to each of the grandparents house trick-or-treating..... That may be the only advantage of having divorced parents....:)
And we pretty much didn't do anything else for Halloween. No decorating, no hunting for the perfect pumpkin...... Not even a hay ride or corn maze. Maybe next year. Maybe.
Posted by j at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: Holidays
Life, currently.....

Posted by j at 7:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: Thoughts
Saturday, September 26, 2009
32 Weeks
Well, here I am at 32 weeks! We went to the doctor yesterday and Gunner is measuring a week and a half ahead of schedule so I am either going to A) have another big baby or B) he may come early. It made me so excited for him to come!! This month we haven't done a whole lot.... We went to Lagoon at the end of August and had a lot of fun and the whole month of September we have basically been up to our elbows in peaches!! Thankfully that is over now so I can find something productive to do at my own house to take up my time... October is going to be filled with hunting, hunting, and more hunting and maybe a little Halloween :) Kacey has a spike elk tag he hopes to fill and I have a general Northern deer tag.... and also grouse hunting which is my favorite!!! I am getting so excited for our long- awaited arrival and also a little scared at the same time because it has been a while since I had a new baby.........
Posted by j at 8:57 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Getting ready to go out on the water...
Posted by j at 10:58 AM 4 comments
4th O July

Posted by j at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Preston turned Three!!!

One of the presents we got him was bubble blowers..... I am really glad we did. They are awesome!!
Cake at the other party......
And the big present.... A pedal go-cart

He really enjoyed his birthday this year and thanks to all that came and supported him. Although now whenever anyone has a birthday, he seems to think it should be his birthday, too.....:)
Posted by j at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
Playing Catch-up
Posted by j at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pinching Your Pennies
There is a website I love that you should all check out.
Posted by j at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
25th Birthday/5th Anniversary
I turned 25 last week and we also celebrated our 5 year anniversary the same day!! I don't feel like I am 25! It was a great birthday.
Birthday Cake......

And THIS was Kacey's gift for me for our Anniversary.... I have always wanted a wedding band!!!!

And this is what I came home to after our trip.... It is kind of funny because Kacey's antlers are his prized possessions and he carved in one just for me..... Aaaaaaw...

And roses, of course!!

Posted by j at 11:23 AM 0 comments
California Trip!!!
We headed to California this past week to celebrate my 25th birthday and Kacey and I's 5th anniversary. It was nice to get away for a few days, but next time if we go that far we will definitely fly and stay in a hotel......:)
We started off by going to this fun interactive children's museum in Pasadena. It is SO BEAUTIFUL there!! I love the weather and greenery in Cali, but I DESPISE the traffic.....
Preston playing in the water at the museum

Of course he had to make his own car noises!!!

Mini climbing wall

We spotted what I thought was a carnival while driving home on the freeway one night and so we told my sister we wanted to go there. What we didn't know was that it was basically like a little Lagoon! So we opted to do the mini-golfing instead!
Us mini-golfing

Heather, Lindsey, and I after mini golfing

One of the last days we were there we went to Laguna Beach. It was way fun!! It was a bit cold that day, though. I wish someone would have told me beforehand that the water there is ALWAYS COLD!! It was freezing! Preston had more fun playing in the sand, of course. He was a little scared of the water after it knocked him over one time.
Posted by j at 10:57 AM 3 comments
Posted by j at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Holidays